People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care….

Theodore Roosevelt

As a coach you are:

- A non-evaluating leader

- A listening ear for admins and teachers

- A safe space for learning and change

- An accessible expert for all stakeholders

- A education champion and advocate

It’s a challenge to:

- Integrate initiatives as a non-evaluator

- Support multiple stakeholder groups

- Guide change while learning on the fly

- Be the face of changing initiatives

- Continuously champion best practice

We can help you:

- Support others in navigating change

- Coach with the brain in mind

- Connect to resources and support

- Care for yourself while caring for others

- Grow into your favorite version of yourself

Recently I was chatting with a coach about a teacher who was a bit resistant to some new technology. The coach said, “I don’t get it - the new device is so much better for them than the one they have right now.” The coach knew that the new device was going to save the teacher time and make their life easier. So why the resistance?

I asked, “Is it possible that one of the teacher’s BrainSAFE needs isn’t being met?”

The coach replied, "That’s it! The teacher isn’t feeling Secure or Familiar.”

I asked, “What can we do to help them feel BrainSAFE?”

The coach crafted a plan to bring the new device to the teacher in a way that felt BrainSAFE (Secure, Aligned, Familiar, Empowered), a practice that made the coach more effective and the teacher more receptive.

This is just one of the many ways that the BrainSAFE Approach helps leaders help drive success.

Today, neuroscience advances allow us to understand how the brain responds to change. Neuroleadership allows us to know how to use this knowledge to lead those we serve. As a coach, your understanding of these concepts, partnered with the tools to bring BrainSAFE change to those you serve can revolutionize your practice.

What is BrainSAFE Coaching?

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