Live Better - Lead Stronger

Shifts for Leaders

Unlock your full potential as a leader through personalized 1:1 coaching tailored to your unique challenges and aspirations. Our coaching sessions provide a confidential and supportive space where you can explore your strengths, address areas for growth, and develop actionable strategies to lead with confidence and clarity.

Whether you're navigating complex organizational dynamics, enhancing your communication skills, or striving to align your leadership style with your core values, we can guide you every step of the way. Elevate your leadership, achieve your goals, and have a lasting impact on your team .

Leadership coaching conversations often include (but are not limited to):

  • New leaders wanting a discreet guide as they navigate their new role

  • Presentation and report prep - including ghost writing

  • Planning for retirement, promotion, job change

  • Public speaking skills training and guidance

  • Values and work alignment conversations

  • Navigating divorce, loss, family change

  • Time management skills training

  • Brainstorming project ideas

  • Family challenges

1:1 Coaching

Coaching Cohorts

Our Live Better to Lead Stronger cohorts give you the structure, tools, and support to take action on your goals and make your dreams come true.

Members enjoy 8 weeks of the best of both worlds - discreet individual support within a small, supportive community. The experience includes:

  • 8 live virtual group coaching sessions

  • 8 weekly motivation / deeper learning video lessons

  • 8 wrap-up the week / organizational structure video lessons

  • 1 half-day deep dive virtual retreat

  • 10+ tools focused on strategically actioning your ideas

  • Regular connections via your circle, your coach, and your coaching cycle

  • A supportive community of people working on their goals and dreams

The best part? The combination of live coaching calls, self-paced strategic work, and the supportive online community provide you the tools and frameworks that, once you know them, empower you to achieve any goal, action any idea, and achieve any dream.

Current cohort coaches represent Mesa Public Schools, Chandler USD, Washington ESD, Florence USD & Vail USD.

Designed specifically for education leaders because….

65% of leaders report feeling burnt out, 57% feel unprepared for their role, 50% are lonely, and 35% rate their leadership skills to be fair or even poor.

We’ve been there, we can help. Our engaging, educational, and entertaining workshops provide evidence based foundation knowledge upon which are shared actionable strategies and tools, shared through the lens of the K12 leader’s life. Our Leadership Development Programs are specifically designed for K12 leaders and can be delivered on-site, remotely, or in hybrid format. Choose from a topic below or connect with Laura at to have an experience custom designed for your leadership team.

Professional Development

  • "Brain-Safe Leadership" is an engaging workshop designed to empower leaders with neuroscience-based strategies that create secure and supportive environments. Participants will explore how understanding the brain's needs for security, alignment, familiarity, and efficiency can enhance team dynamics and organizational success. Through interactive sessions and practical tools, leaders will learn to foster psychological safety and drive positive change within their teams.

  • Download/View Flyer Here

    Discover the connection between brain-based, values aligned actions and professional success. During this session, participants will identify their strengths and how to best apply them to bring greater alignment into their work and life through three experiences: a research-based values identification exercise, an exploration of key impact domains, and a confidential self-assessment of one’s cross domain effectiveness. Laura Boone’s FIERCE Framework will then be introduced, providing a six-step plan for taking ideas from abstract to achieved, and participants will create a roadmap for achieving any goal in any impact domain. The session will close with a bridging discussion on how these understandings apply to effectively leading cohesive working environments.

  • Download/View Flyer Here

    Understanding the fundamentals of brain-based leadership empowers leaders to more effectively supports organizational advancement, ensure consistency and authenticity in their work, and how to lead a cohesive, values-centered environment. Through the lens of neuroleadership leaders can look at the actions of leadership - tasks, decisions, problem solving, driving change - from the perspective of what is happening in the brains of everyone involved. During this session, participants will engage in a brief exploration of the fundamentals of brain science and learn how to use this knowledge to more effectively support those they lead. Laura Boone’s SAFE Staff Framework and Dr. David Rock’s SCARF Model will drive the conversation and provide tools for leading stronger and supporting a workplace culture where every individual can thrive.

  • Download/View Flyer Here

    Leaders often wish to address or recognize employee needs and concerns but may struggle with just how to balance addressing concerns, maintain operational efficiency, and comply with HR regulations. Support can be found through The Seven Levels of Organizational Effectiveness, a structure that provides leaders with a roadmap for understanding where employees are emotionally and strategies to meet and support employees in their current emotional space. With the Seven Levels, leaders apply their understanding of brain science to best tailor their response and effectively support and empower the employees they serve.

  • This workshop is designed for new education leaders eager to make a lasting impact in their schools. Participants will explore essential leadership principles, focusing on personalized strategies that align with individual values and promote effective group dynamics. Through interactive activities, leaders will learn to create psychologically safe environments that enhance organizational success. Attendees will also gain insights into supporting their educators in fostering self-regulation among students using evidence-based, up-to-date techniques. By the end of the workshop, new leaders will be equipped with the tools to navigate classroom challenges and seize opportunities for exceptional instruction.

Are you looking for professional development for your educators, district, site, or team? Click the link.


  • Professional development helps leaders enhance their skills, stay updated with educational trends, improve school performance, foster a positive school culture, and effectively support teachers and students.

  • Yes, we offer flexible online courses and webinars that can be completed on one's own, making it easier for busy education leaders to continue their professional growth.

  • Costs vary depending on program length, format, and provider. We offer free or low-cost sessions as well as certification programs or conferences that may require a more significant investment.

  • Yes, our First Year Leader Program caters to the new education leader, focusing on foundational leadership skills, navigating early career challenges, and building a strong support network.

  • Networking provides opportunities to connect with other leaders, share experiences, gain insights, and build a supportive community that can offer advice and collaboration.

Let’s work together!

Schedule a free consult today.