How great is it to feel “good in your skin?”

I once heard the phrase “bien dans se peau,”

It means to feel “well in one’s skin.” I decided I wanted that for myself. Today, I want that for everyone I meet.

Most of us don’t feel “well in our skin.” Multiple studies show that individuals are feeling burnt out (65%), lonely (50%), and/or unprepared to handle the demands of their job (56%). So if you don’t feel “bien dans se peau,” you’re not alone.

I spent most of my life NOT feeling “well in my skin.” I was out of alignment, working too much, but not

A time when For all of us it was a time of uncertainty, loss, change, fear, and - for many - a time of new beginnings. My 2020 was a time of release from the life I had known and a life full of the sudden quiet that comes when family life shifts to empty nest.

I tried working more, volunteering more, filling the hours with more of the busy things of life. I tried being grateful - after all, I had a good life. Who was I to feel it wasn’t enough?

But, it wasn’t enough.

I’d spent decades living the busy cycle of wife, family, work - and now I wasn’t sure who I was or what to do next.

It was time to find out.

I began studying change. How people navigate and even thrive through all types of changes - those they invite, those around them, and even those that they absolutely don’t want. I learned that Gloria Steinem was right -

“The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.”

I came to realize that I was p!ssed off… all the work, all the years, for what? However, as I studied, learned, and grew, I was also set free…. and discovered a few amazing things.

First, I wasn’t alone - many women feel exactly the way I did.

Second, I learned that every woman needs:

  • structures aligned with the incredible power of the brain to partner with us in creating a life we love, and to find

  • resources both within and without that align with the values and dreams we are each called to fulfill, and to create….

  • spaces filled with amazing people who understand that the greatest individual success is achieved when everyone feels supported, loved, and celebrated.

Third, that there are amazing women out there all ready to support, share, and guide us on our journey, we just need to gather.

…. and so I created Structured Shifts.